St. Paul's Lutheran Church
proud to be a member of the South Central Synod of Wisconsin of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
March 23 2025 - Third Sunday in Lent
The warnings are plentiful and blunt on the third Sunday in Lent. Cut it out or get cut down! The warnings are accompanied by God’s invitation to attentiveness: “Incline your ear, and come to me; listen, so that you may live.” The landowner’s ultimatum is forestalled by the gardener’s readiness to till the ground one more year. That is good news for all of us. Thanks be to God!”​
Thank you to Cheryl Warming for providing special music .
Isaiah 55:1-9: Everyone who thirsts, come to the water; seek the Lord
Psalm 63:1-8: O God, eagerly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you. (Ps. 63:1)
1 Corinthians 10:1-13: Israel, baptized in cloud and seas, ate the same spiritual food as Christians
Luke 13:1-9: Unless you repent, you will perish: parable of the fig tree
**The bulletin is available for you to download and print if you choose.
Lenten Blessings to all!
Pastor Karen and the members of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
***Lenten Service schedule: Wednesdays at 12:05 and 7 pm**
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We know that some are financially suffering during this challenging time, unable to give as they have or would like. If you are able to contribute and have not recently given, please give a gift today. You can mail your offerings to the church (727 8th St., Baraboo), use Simply Giving, or use your online bill-pay service through your bank.